Thursday 20 October 2016


If Derry know how to do one thing, it's how to celebrate Halloween. And every year it seems to get bigger and better in the city. We thought we'd throw together an Independent Derry Halloween blog with a few reasons as to why spending Halloween in Derry is one of the best decisions you'll make. There will be lots going on around the city so you'll definitely not be stuck for something to do in addition to the mountains of sweets you'll eat, the several Halloween movies you'll watch and the old school Halloween games you'll play (like sticking your face into a basin of water to get an apple). So here it is...

1) BEST HALLOWEEN DESTINATION IN THE WORLD - Yes, of course this was going to be number 1. Before moving onto anything else, it's important that we remind you all that Derry was voted the best Halloween destination in the world in 2015 and so this should be a good enough excuse for anyone to come spend Halloween in the city. You can't get a Halloween title much better than that can you?...

2) YOU CAN RAVE AT AN UNDERGROUND CAR PARK - On the 31st of October you'll find there are several places throwing Halloween parties and inside will be lots of people two stepping the night away dressed up as many scary, and probably weird, yet imaginative things. Jika Jika are hosting their Halloween Freak Out at the Bunker (an underground car park) as they have done the past few years. And this year Daniel Avery, Optimo and a few other residents will take to the unusual venue that is the bunker to get the Halloween Freak Out going.

Another party happening in the city, hosted by Queen & Disco (5 lads who started throwing parties in 2013), is 'A Nightmare on Silver Street.' The music played by these guys will 100% have you on your feet all night. We personally love this track below called Satisfied, which can be found on their Royalty of Funk vinyl (vol no.2). This is the type of tune that can make you go from having a night in on the sofa to standing with a drink in your hand 1 hour later, It definitely puts you in the mood to party and we think A Nightmare on Silver Street will be a party you don't want to miss. Tickets: 

3) YOU CAN WINE & DINE HALLOWEEN STYLE - You'll find that many of our little independents get into the Halloween spirit, adding to the buzz that exists around Halloween in the city. There will be a special Halloween 'eat, drink and be scary' food tour happening on the 29th of October. Anyone who books on can spend a few hours eating and drinking quality food and drink in our independent eateries such as Walled City Brewery & Pyke N Pommes. And we're told this tour will come with a special Halloween twist... Tickets here:

Next, we're going to recommend Spaghetti Junction for your Halloween feed on the 31st October. This authentic Italian restaurant is situated on the corner of William Street. They do great Italian food and are the perfect location to sit and nosey out the window at the people of Derry as they wander into town in their hundreds, dressed up as everything and anything. Spaghetti Junction also turn their restaurant into a Halloween scene, you can look forward to (or maybe dread) seeing this spooky lady below when you pay a visit...

4) HAVE HALLOWEEN COFFEE'S AND THAI PUMPKIN SOUP AT ROCO - RoCo Brew Bar have put a few Halloween specials on their menu including some Halloween Coffee's which really do look the part, it almost makes you not want to drink it because you don't want to ruin the little Halloween image on top. They have also introduced a yummy Thai Pumpkin Soup and this looks like the perfect Halloween winter warmer. They will be open on Halloween night so if you fancy something to warm you up they've got you covered. 

5) HAVE A VIP EXPERIENCE AT BENNIGAN'S HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL - We mention this one because unlike many other Halloween events in the city, Bennigan's are creating a more personal & intimate one. Their Halloween Carnival is a VIP event and allows ticket holders to experience vintage cocktails, carnival performers, fortune tellers and free canapes alongside some music by Velvet Alibi (an 11 piece band) and DJ Julien Jazz. Tickets for this event are only £10 and we think the venue adds to the intimacy of the event. So if you want to avoid large groups of people and the craziness of many places in Derry on Halloween night, then this event might be more up your street. Tickets:

6) JOIN FRIGHT NIGHT AT PRIMROSE SECRET GARDEN - Primrose have a secret garden & if you haven't seen it already it's a great little spot. On the 28th, 29th, & 30th  of October they will transform their secret garden into a fright night garden showing some horror movie classics. You can get snuggled up in the garden with blankets, popcorn, hot chocolate and lots of other snacks to stuff your face with whilst watching some good old Halloween movies, including one of our all time favourites The Shining. (Tickets available at Primrose, Carlisle Rd).

7) STROLL AROUND THE HALLOWEEN HARVEST MARKET - The Halloween Harvest Market takes place from the 28th-31st October with many local independents showcasing their food and crafts. You can spend the day eating lots of food, listening to live music and watching some Halloween style street performances. This will be held in the Guildhall Square so wrap up warm and prepare to try some the finest local food & crafts there is.

8) WATCH THE ULSTER ORCHESTRA AT THE MILLENNIUM FORUM -  You can spend a night listening to some spooky orchestral music in the Millennium Forum by the Ulster Orchestra. Expect orchestral music from films such as Ghostbusters, Harry Potter and Psycho. They're putting on a creepy concert, creating music to send chills down your spine and it seems trolls, gnomes and goblins are to be let loose around the forum during their performance. Better go for a seat where they won't find you... Tickets here:

9) HALLOWEEN AFTERNOON TEA AT BISHOP'S GATE HOTEL - On the 31st October you can attend Bishop's Gate Hotel for some Halloween afternoon tea in the Northern Counties Ballroom. This family friendly event will be filled with lots of treats and some spooky storytelling. And we think this historic building is the perfect setting for an afternoon of Halloween tea don't you?...

10) OUT OF THIS WORLD - CITY OF BONES CARNIVAL - This carnival is one you do not want to miss. Circus and street performers from Derry, Ireland and across Europe have come together to create a massive parade which will depart from Queen's Quay at 7pm. And as it is the 30th anniversary, we won't give too much away, but just know you can expect BIG things...

11) ONE BIG MASSIVE FIREWORKS DISPLAY - Yes, every year Derry put on a an amazing fireworks display. Find a good spot along the river front and prepare to watch many fireworks take off into the night sky. The perfect way to end your Halloween celebrations. 

We're going to stop there. We've not mentioned everything, but we have mentioned a lot, and we hope this got all of you excited for Halloween in our city. 

Stay safe & have a good one.


Independent Derry.